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July 2014
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Listen in to this firefighter training podcast and learn:

  • Dominating fireground with the Pig Tool.
  • Believing in yourself and your ideas, and going for it.

In this firefighter training episode, Chris Moren shares with us how he came up with the Pig Tool and the advantages of having one in your firefighting toolbox.

  • How Chris came up with creating the Pig tool.
  • Why the tool is called "The Pig"?
  • Tips on getting the most use out of your Pig.
  • Specifications and features of the Pig Tool.
  • The importance of why the Pig is set at 8 lbs.
  • Know Chris Moren the firefighter.
  • Getting an idea and running with it.
Direct download: 048-_All_About_The_Pig_Tool_-_8_lbs_of_Fire_Ground_Domination_01.mp3
Category:FFTBco -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Listen in to this firefighter training podcast and learn:

  1. The qualities that make a great firefighter.
  2. The 6 C’s found in a great leader.
  3. Applying the “I am third” attitude in your life.
  4. How you can motivate your crew to continue working on becoming great firefighters.

In this firefighter training episode, Rob Cannon shares with us the elements of great leadership, and their role in taking you to where you want to be in your life and in your organization.

Are you ready to become a leader? Ask yourself:

  • How is your relationship with your colleagues?
  • Are you morally, mentally, and physically prepared?
  • Are you willing to do the right thing even when no one’s looking?
  • How well do you know your job?
  • Do you have the courage to do what needs to be done?
  • Can you express your ideas and your feelings respectfully and professionally?
  • Are you committed to your cause?
  • Are you living up to your character ideas?
  • What are you willing to work for?
Direct download: 047-The_6_Cs_of_Leadership.mp3
Category:FFTBco -- posted at: 5:57am PST

046- How To Set Goals For Firefighters

Listen in to this firefighter training podcast and learn:

  1. The importance of setting goals in achieving personal success.
  2. Some tips and how-tos on how to set effective goals.
  3. Studies on how writing down goals can get you closer to achieving them.

We want to be great firefighters. We want to take our skills to the next level. How? In this firefighter training episode, David Soler teaches us about the one thing we have to do to start moving forward: Set Goals.
He discusses why you should:

  • Know where you are in your career and know where you’re going.
  • Say “yes” or “no” to certain things based on how it will help you achieve your goals.
  • Write down your goals. Keep your eye on the prize.
  • Set SMART goals
  • Come up with specific goals using the three Ws: What, Why, Who?
  • Break down your plan and focus on one thing at a time.
  • Have an accountability partner
Direct download: 046-_How_To_Set_Goals_For_Firefighters_01.mp3
Category:FFTBco -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Listen in to this firefighter training podcast and learn:

  1. How to do a force/entry size up
  2. How to determine the correct strategy for forcing a door.
  3. The how-to’s on forcing entry by going thru-the-lock.

In this firefighter training episode, Sean Wilson of Search & Destroy Fire Training gives us a quick guide on the whys and hows of forcible entry. We discuss:

  • The 2 major elements that affect your approach on making a forced entry.
  • Why fire service personnel should care about minimizing property damage.
  • Always bring your irons as Plan B.
  • The different kinds of locks, where you can find them, and what you can use to open them.
  • Why you should always have your tools with you on every call.
  • Benefits of having a forcible entry bag.
  • The 3-step process of force entry through the lock
  • Getting your hands dirty: How and where to get some practice.
Direct download: 045-3_Steps_to_Force_Entry_Through_the_Lock_01.mp3
Category:FFTBco -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Listen in to this firefighter training podcast and learn:

1- How you can start preparing and becoming a better fire officer.

2- What it takes to be a leader in the fire service.

In this firefighter training episode, Frank Viscuso guides us as we take the reigns on our journey to become the leader the fire service deserves and needs.

We discuss in depth

  • How and why we should invest in our future.
  • Surrounding ourselves with people that will push us to be better.
  • The 4 best ways to learn
  • How to become a better officer on the fire ground.
  • Instincts and muscle memory – why we should practice, practice, practice.
  • The importance of having your resources and tactical support tools on hand.
  • Ways we can prepare or train ourselves to be confident on the field
  • and much more
Direct download: 044-Prepping_for_the_Promotional_Process_01.mp3
Category:FFTBco -- posted at: 8:00am PST